
Allow me to introduce myself – Paul Turpin, a consultant renowned for innovating, developing, illustrating, linking, synthesizing, championing and accompanying.  For nearly 28 years, my professional life has been one that creates itself while allowing me to recreate myself. Passionate and whole, I partner with extraordinary individuals who, day after day, infuse me with new energy. Curious by nature, I allow myself to question, to change perspectives, and to systemize in order to help with the discovery of new avenues.

My business attitude is intuitive, organized and thrives on boldness. My approach, on the other hand, embraces transformation-producing activities. I have therefore given this approach the name IBILERA, a word of Basque origin meaning cadence and stride. This word resonates powerfully with me, partly because of its connection to my family origins in the Basque countries, but it also corresponds perfectly with my past as a world-class athlete.

The art of managing strategic shifts, this is what characterizes my practice as a consultant! IBILERA is the innovative and personalized approach which proposes to help you to:

  • Imagine potential growth scenarios;
  • Name and clarify the shift to undertake;
  • Make sense of the environment in which this shift emerges;
  • Guide you through an agile decision-making process;
  • Translate the shift into sound actions.

So what are you waiting for to make swift transformations to your organization with IBILERA?